EU Council Presidency 2019, child trafficking, torture and poverty – tolerated and supported by the authorities and funded with EU funds.
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Soon, further evidence will appear here, in the form of supervised phone calls, recorded by corrupt officials of the romanian police, funded with European Union subsidies.
The director of a state home for children and adolescents, Ms. Sorina Chivoiu and various police officers (in collaboration with the corrupt prosecutor’s office) asked young people to have sexual relations with tourists. Young men were also required to try to incite tourists to various avoidable crimes with the aim of being able to extort foreigners or their relatives to generate foreign exchange and their hatred of homosexuals in the form of torture, discrimination and inhuman treatment live out. Juveniles who did not cooperate were beaten, blackmailed, tortured or arrested.
We filed criminal complaints with the help of lawyers against the director, various police and two prosecutors, but even after more than 3 years, no investigation, no charges, no rule of law in sight!
The state media of Romania, so far reported nothing about these facts. On the contrary, the murder of the Director of the Bucharest Home for Children and Adolescents (allegedly killed by her husband) is taken as an opportunity to portray this woman as a caring person of the system.
However, the state child and human trafficking, the inhumane conditions and the misappropriation of EU funds and donations will not stop until the perpetrators of the sophisticated and corrupt system are criminalized.
We are not the only ones who provided the authorities with solid evidence – in the form of government documents, audio / video files and statements in this regard. However, it is skillfully attempting to cover up these incidents, even though the files also assume unimaginable proportions with regard to the scandal we have uncovered, and the number of perpetrators involved is increasing.
In the following various headlines in the press and media, which confirms the systematic exploitation and its cover-up again and again:
Children tortured in the children’s home “Pinocchio”
Two children decided to flee from the children’s home Pinocchio. When a father of other children showed up in Pinocchio. Shocked by what he had heard and recorded. His boys had to endure the same torments.
“It’s like a jail, there are bars, you can not go to the garden, you’re locked up in the room,” one of the victims said. Children would not have the courage to report what they had experienced and certainly no power.
According to their statements, in the evening they had received sleeping pills in the food. “If we do not take the pills,” they threatened us: “The boys come in the evening, beat us, and break us something.”
“If we do not take these, they will kill us,” said one of the children …
The father said, “I was assured that my children would not be beaten, they would not be mistreated.
“But what is that on the head of my child?” (A laceration with a blue spot of the boy – see video)
This presented the father along with various video footage of the director (and thus the current guardian of the children) before Mrs. Sorina Chivoiu.
“The lady answered me that everything she saw and everything I show her was not true,” the father of the children reported. “There is no such thing here! You hear something like this for the first time “.
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Child trafficking in the Pinocchio children’s home: The home manager sold 14-year-old girl at the North Station
Dumitru Anghel, who was employed at the children’s home, was arrested. Instead of protecting minors, he mediated them into networks for human trafficking. Bucharest officials and DIICOT organized crime prosecutors have brought to light shocking cases of some children who were victims of trafficking. Sold by one who should have offered protection: Investigations against Dumitru Anghel, head of the children’s home Pinocchio, sector 1, have revealed that the employee of the State Youth Welfare Office began in 2012 with its shops, with girls who were left there by families ,
Anghel persuaded the minors to go down the drain or gave them to pimps for a job. The pimps came to the entrance gate and said they want to take their “nieces” home.
Once on the street, the minors were safe victims. They were threatened, beaten and forced to prostitute. Each victim had ten customers daily, for a sex game between 50 and 100 LEI (10 and 20 EURO) was charged.
So the members of the network earned about 400 to 500 LEI per day through the exploitation of each girl.
After investigating human trafficking networks that lasted a month, policemen searched the homes of 12 traffickers in Bucharest late last week, and 2 members of the network in the provinces of Teleorman and Dâmboviţa.
“The girls had to prostitute themselves in the area of Gara de Nord (North Station), but some of the pimps were also located in the two districts near the capital,” explains an investigator.
At the court hearing, ten of them were questioned by prosecutors, and the Bucharest court decided on Thursday to arrest three men and four women.
Among the eight victims found were girls at the age of 14, 16 and 17 years.
Sometimes the minors were simply sold from one network to another. In addition to the home director, six pimps were handcuffed for at least 29 days. Each of them is accused of trafficking and trafficking minors.
The State Youth Welfare Office decided to suspend Dumitru Anghel from office until the investigation is completed.
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A teenager living in the home died
An institutionalized teenager whom I wanted to volunteer died. He was addicted to drugs, HIV-positive, hepatitis B, etc. and he had big emotional problems, and the children’s home where he spent many years (Pinocchio 1 in Bucharest) did not try to save him.
He was abandoned, they watched his slow suicide, and regarded him as a hopeless case.
Sandu’s story, which would have turned 20 in June, must be known to everyone. This system works against children. How loud should we still cry?
In the winter of 2014 until August 2016, we volunteered to work in the Pinocchio 1 (CPU), Sector 1, Bucharest, emergency room.
On my first visit, I noticed a 16-year-old, uneducated and wild boy. And I decided to improve his skills, but to work with him separately from the others.
Developing his skills will go a long way because Sandu is drug addicted and HIV-positive, and has hepatitis B, tuberculosis and other problems, including emotional and deep-seated trauma.
I went to the shelter weekly and over time he had made slow progress, but when he turned 18 (in June 2016), those in the home had to respect his rights, right?
They let him go on, as he did earlier to the city, so he could use drugs only to force him to sign his release on his own responsibility.
After a few days he returned (as before) because the home reported him missing by law after 24 hours, and the police (who knew where he was anyway) followed him for another 48 to 72 hours or even more time ,
He was backtracking and on August 29, 2016, I realized I could not do anything because what we were working on or meeting with the psychologist I found in the volunteer program was not enough.
I wrote everything I knew, plus what I noticed, in a letter of complaint that I sent by mail to the National Agency for the Protection of the Rights of the Child and Adoption (ANPDC / Jugendamt).
I did not want to jeopardize the volunteer program because I knew that this home and others could close their doors to volunteers, even though a psychologist from ANPDC told me volunteers are the great luck of these children (!).
Perhaps because I wrote from the beginning that I am a journalist (and a film critic), I was quickly called and invited to a meeting. There I was assured that an unannounced inspection would be sent to the home.
Which took place and I soon returned to ANPDC to see the results of the inspection.
I was given a paper with the conclusions from afar, and told to stay calm because many of the problems I identified were discovered after the inspection, that action was taken, and so on …
I did not go to the center anymore and was released from the volunteer program. I knew that passing on the letter was the maximum I could do for Sandu and the other kids without giving up the work of the other volunteers. I knew how much a hug and a good word helped them. If I had not gone that day, I would have felt like an accomplice of a completely inhumane system.
I have never spoken to Sandu since. He called me several times, but I did not answer him. I did not have the heart to tell him, it’s over, I can not help you anymore.
Sequel follows !
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Children from state homes in Bucharest who were sent to work
Children from various state homes in Bucharest are sent to work day after day, sent to clients, or even released from the home. “The fee” is between 100 and 300 million old Romanian lei (monthly).
One of the accommodations tapped by the covert reality TV reporter was the establishment of the Social and Child Protection Office in Sector 1.
Here it is customary to rent children for cleaning work. Per capita of a child those three million old Romanian LEI are paid monthly (about 64 euros).
In Pinocchio children’s home in Bucharest, “labor” costs less for gardener services. There it costs only one million old Romanian LEI (21 euros).
However, the children there are no longer willing to go to work or it is harder to persuade them.
According to the “hired” minors, this is a common practice in homes.
However, these minors will not return to the places where they were “hired”, they were handed over by the reporters to the relevant authorities.
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Scandal in Pinochio
A 13-year-old from the Pinochio Children’s Home in Sector 1 claims to have been repeatedly raped by the guards (security service) of the institution.
Several citizens who learned of the girl’s case rebelled yesterday morning at the Institute of Legal Medicine and were outraged that the police did not intervene in time.
The girl’s relatives said the police had instructed the minors to make a statement. According to investigators, the minor would have fallen in love with a man who told her how to flee the home.
For that, the young woman had a sexual relationship with a boy in her foster home, claiming she had been raped.
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Allegations of sexual abuse in a children’s home – USR senator, denied access to the home
In January 2018, Senator Vlad Alexandrescu was denied access to the Children’s Home by Uniunea Salvaţi România , USR, although there were various allegations of violence, ill-treatment and abuse against minors seeking protection.
“I had sex with several people for money,” a 17-year-old told me.
Another child tells me, “I wanted to go abroad on a prostitution network.” Some people described how to steal food from the home in the dumpster,
while others tell me that they want to flee from the home workers. The psychologist appears only every 2 months …
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Seven employees of St. Mary’s Social Services Complex were arrested
The Bucharest district court on Thursday ordered the 30-day pre-trial detention of seven employees of the Santa Maria Social Services Complex of the Department of Social and Child Protection Sector 1, informed the District Office Sector 1 on Friday. Including a doctor / psychiatrist, a nurse and five specialized educators.
The court also ruled on the imprisonment of seven other employees of the Santa Maria Social Services Children’s Home.
The prosecution ordered more than a week ago to start prosecuting several employees of the St. Mary’s Complex and opened a criminal file referring to suspected maltreatment of minors. In addition, abuse of office and embezzlement is charged.
The 14 employees of the children’s home “St. Mary “in Sector 1 was detained on 24 June for stealing food supplies from home children and adolescents, and the teenagers who had” disturbed “them were taken to the sanatorium.
Four of the accused are under house arrest, the others have been put under judicial control. According to News.ro
In connection with the criminal record of St. Mary’s Children’s Home, 14 people were arrested on 24 June, including Drs. Victoriţa Botoagă, who had given the minors psychotropic drugs.
Against Botoagă was already determined in 2012, charged with the reproach of falsification of numerous doctor prescriptions on the budget of the CNAS (National Health Insurance House / State Health Insurance).
Investigators conducted nineteen house searches on June 23.
Thereupon they came to the conclusion that the staff of St. Mary’s children’s home
Constantly stolen detergents, medicines, food, clothing, household appliances, cosmetics, as well as various sums of money raised through sponsorships, donations, or girls in the home.
According to the prosecutor of the Bucharest court, the residents were hospitalized for a month in a mental hospital. If these “disturbed” the home staff in their project.
An employee of the St. Mary Home opened a shop where he sold the products stolen from the home.
Other employees have stolen the goods from donations, such as bedding or electrical appliances, some of the donations to the children were sold there at bargain prices. According to statement to News.ro.
167 children are housed in the homes, 28 at St. Mary’s Center, 43rd St. Nicholas Center, 33 at St. Joseph’s Center, 41 at Pinocchio Center and 22 at St. Stephen’s Center.
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