State WITHOUT Justice system

The States in the world exist in which the entire justice system is improperly constructed, and right and get two right, we know.

But a Member State of the European Union there, where there is not only an institution that does not corruption, many are not aware!

Whether it's courts, police, offices, hospitals, surgeries, Office doctors or supervisory bodies of the Institute… All of these institutions do not work in Romania as one imagines it in a democracy.

The Romania as democracy-political problem case applies, is already known to some!

But as the reality really is, how it feels, arrested in a State for a reason -, suppressed – and tortured, and all the institutions together forming a coalition, to behave at the end of the dictatorial

to hide, nobody can imagine, who has not experienced it on my own body!

We will try you piece by piece on the basis of evidence and experience to demonstrate that has adopted a level Romania's inhumanity and corruption,

the one that State safely "Justice and Institutionsfrei" can call.

For this type of State system, there is no term to describe the whole thing with the word corruption and dictatorship, not enough by far.

It is a rule of law is only as good as its protagonists, but acting (judges, prosecutors, police officers, interpreters, etc.) are all Member of the "Ministry for State security". All are repressed and intimidated by a huge separate State, no one dares to contradict, to be victims of dictators from fear itself.   

We recommend all devoted this DEMONSTRABLY corrupt judiciary, thanks for asking! If it takes years.

For example, there are the possibility of the fight against corruption and serious misconduct within the EU institutions OLAF to display.

In addition to the possibilities of the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg, there are the International Criminal Court for human rights (IGH), there you can! People! show, which are responsible for violations of the human rights conversations.